import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'; export default defineConfig({ test: { exclude: ['**/node_modules', '**/dist', '.idea', '.git', '.cache'], passWithNoTests: true, typecheck: { enabled: true, include: ["**/__tests__/types.test.ts"] }, coverage: { enabled: true, all: true, reporter: ['text', 'lcov', 'cobertura'], provider: 'v8', include: ['src'], exclude: [ // All ts files that only contain types, due to ALL '**/*.{interface,type,d}.ts', '**/{interfaces,types}/*.ts', // All index files that *should* only contain exports from other files '**/index.{js,ts}', // All exports files that make subpackages available as submodules '**/exports/*.{js,ts}', ], }, }, });