
41 lines
1.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-01-27 00:39:48 +13:00
.segment "CODE"
.proc main
; Initialize PPU
LDA #%10000000 ; Set the bit 7 to $2000 to use $2000-$2FFF for nametables
STA $2000
LDA #%00011110 ; Enable rendering, enable sprites, and make sure background is visible
STA $2001
; Load sprite data into OAM
LDX #0 ; Initialize X register to zero
LDA SpriteData,X ; Load the first byte of sprite data
STA $0200,X ; Store it in the Object Attribute Memory (OAM)
INX ; Increment X to load the next byte
LDA SpriteData,X ; Load the second byte of sprite data (attributes)
STA $0200,X ; Store it in OAM
INX ; Increment X to load the next byte (X position)
LDA SpriteData,X ; Load the third byte of sprite data (X position)
STA $0200,X ; Store it in OAM
; Infinite loop
JMP forever
.segment "DATA"
.byte $00 ; Tile index for the sprite
.byte $20 ; Attributes (palette, flipping, etc.)
.byte $80 ; X position of the sprite
; Additional sprite data can be added here
.segment "BSS"
; Define uninitialized memory (if needed)