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2024-01-27 12:20:21 +13:00
; Companion Cube Sample program. Disregard its advice.
; Assemble the program to a CHIP-8 binary like so:
; $ ./c8asm -o GAMES/CUBE8.ch8 examples/cube.asm
; Once you've assembled it, you can run it in the interpreter like so:
; $ ./chip8 -f FFB6F8 -b B2B2B2 GAMES/CUBE.ch8
; Define some more human-friendly names for the registers
define boxx V0 ; Sprite X,Y position
define boxy V1
define oldx V2 ; Previous sprite X,Y position
define oldy V3
define dirx V4 ; Sprite direction
define diry V5
define tmp VE
; Clear the screen
SYS 1 ; SYS instructions are treated as no-ops
; Load the variables' initial values
LD boxx, 1
LD dirx, 1
LD boxy, 10
LD I, sprite1
DRW boxx, boxy, 8
LD tmp, 1
; The main loop
; Store the current position
LD oldx, boxx
LD oldy, boxy
; If the X direction is 0, go to sub1...
SE dirx, 0
JP sub1
; ...otherwise add 1 to the box' position
ADD boxx, 1
; If you reached the right edge of the screen, change direction
SNE boxx, 56
LD dirx, 1
jp draw1
; subtract 1 from the box' position
SUB boxx, tmp
; If you reached the left edge of the screen, change direction
SNE boxx, 0
LD dirx, 0
; Draw the box
; Load the address of the sprite's graphics into register I
LD I, sprite1
; Erase the sprite at the old position
DRW oldx, oldy, 8
; Draw the sprite at the new position
DRW boxx, boxy, 8
; Return to the start of the loop
JP loop
; Binary data of the sprite.
; 1s represent pixels to be drawn, 0s are blank pixels.
db %01111110,